SPA Insurance Broking Services Ltd is the risk management arm of SPA Group, providing a range of services right from covering the risk spectrum, to advisory and claim settlement. The Company is registered with the Insurance Regulatory Development Authority of India as a Direct Broker since 2004 and is empaneled with all leading life and general insurance companies in the county.
We work diligently with our clients, guiding and hand holding them right from understanding their business and risk management philosophy to ensuring the right claims for them. Stepping into their shoes, we advise the best suited products that can cover their assessed risks. In case of a loss, our team provides requisite follow-up and advisory to facilitate the client in getting appropriate and timely settlement.
Risk Analysis, Audit and Review Services
We offer end-to-end risk inspection, valuation and policy document review services thereby suggesting improvements if any, in consideration of your business profile, operational aspects and claim history. Periodically structured interaction helps us understand any new event/ development which may need insurance coverage or changes in existing coverage e/g enhancement of sum insured, inclusion of a new entity etc.
Broking & Placement
Our Insurance Broking Services, help clients in short listing insurers, and getting a quote comparison. After rigorous negotiation and evaluation of the most value based coverage, we help the client in finalising the insurer/s. We ensure that the policy has correct terms and conditions and provide requisite support to enable hassle free claims.
Lenders Insurance Advisory
A large project is likely to have a major debt component. Lenders often require that the project company takes all reasonable measures to protect the project's income stream as well as capital assets. Such measures typically include a comprehensive insurance programme that is prudent and economically viable. In LIA, we review and analyse the project risks and the borrowers' insurance programme to determine if it meets the lenders' requirements.
Claim Consultancy
We also undertake claim consultancy assignments on a standalone basis as permitted by IRDA. Our decades-old relationships, knowledge and regular follow up and coordination helps us in our performance on the claim settlement. Our high success rate is based on clients’ level of satisfaction.